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What is the concept behind java applet and java beans?

Java applets are client side. It’s a java program running on the browser in the name of applet.

Java beans are server side. For a very big data site, beans do a lot of data card management tasks.

It has got huge advantages compared to ordinary server side techniques. These are big libraries for managing big server side.

Again a question arises is EJB and Java Beans one and same?

The answer:

Sun Microsoft introduced the J2EE application server and Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) specification as a venture into the multitier server-side component architecture market (CORBA).

Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) and Java Beans are not same.]

EJB are inter-process components.

Java Beans are intra-process components.

EJB is a specification for creating server-side components that enables and simplifies the tasks of creating distributed objects.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi nice one